Friday, March 28, 2014

I still have time

The clock hasn't  hit midnight.  Friday is not over yet,so I still have time to make post for today. It was a pretty busy day.  I made a beaded necklace in Arts and Crafts. It is all different colors. I don't know how much I will wear it. But it will look pretty on my teddy bear.  I played bingo but I didn't win. But it is fun to play.

I call this "Patches The Cat"  I got him at flicker a while ago. He is sort of funny looking but cute. He kind of looks like pug nosed cat :)    I am not sure if there is such a thing. Well I better hurry up and get to bed. If I can sleep. It is always so noisy here. Oh I am still waiting for some to go pick me up a couple cans of Pringles and some 20 oz soda pops. I will provide the $. I guess the van was being used so that was the reason why  the activity lady couldn't go.    Oh and if that's not it. My lawyers bought me a phone but I can not get the manager when he isn't busy so he can get it hooked up with AT&T :)

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