Thursday, July 24, 2014

Greetings Friends

I am glad you stopped by to visit my website (or blog if you prefer to call it that) I normally have pictures of modest clothing that I like,Bible verses,or graphics I like. As well as my thoughts and daily activities. That's my style. I recently changed the background on here. I was getting a little bit tired of the quilt. I have decided to post some graphics I adopted from   A Christian  website that has graphics and poetry.   Now on on to other things. Some people here at the Health Center (Nursing Home) will go on an outing today. I am not sure if I will go or not. Only a few of us can go at a time,because the van only holds so many people. Yes, I would like to go and see more than what I see here. The last time I got to go,we went to the lake and fed the wild ducks. That was fun. 

Monday, June 30, 2014